Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Richard Tuttle & Francis Bacon

Richard Tuttle Letters,1966
Shape is sculpture, but Richard Tuttle broke those boundaries. He felt in order to have good art, you can't consider the viewers. In my opinion, Tuttle is an outstanding artist because he started out in a conventional way with easel paintings and grew to find his personal style of art to communicate with the world. Many people argued that Tuttle's work wasn't "Art" because it seemed too simple and intermediate. He uses smaller, easily manipulative entities to create something beautiful and makes it seem effortless. This artist suggests your art is your unique way of communicating with the world, who's to tell you what you can or can't say. He invented his own language. While viewing this artist's work you must take the time to analyze it then have an open mind which is fun and for me less pressure. Just take the art for what it is and interpret it how you want to.
Francis Bacon This artist is an aggressive, emotionally driven alcoholic. He was influenced by anything, it didn't matter to him. Bacon was promiscuous and comfortable with his sexuality,in fact his lovers would influence and motivate his work. Most of the paintings of his lovers wouldn't include a name unless the guy meant a great deal to him such as George. Beauty moves him, male beauty. After traumatic events, he would lock himself up in a studio and paint to distract himself from the heartbreak. Bacon's boyfriends were usually bad news, some were abusive, married, or a narcissist. He was notorious for destroying art pieces that didn't satisfy him. He revealed his deep emotions through his art. "An artist is who you are and what you do all the time."- Francis Bacon Francis BaconTRIPTYCH–AUGUST 1972(Image below)
These two artists are talented and unique, they differ in a few ways. For instance, Tuttle felt in order to have good art you can't consider the viewer's feelings about the art work, on the other hand, Bacon would destroy his painting if he felt it wasn't good enough. Bacon would paint large, abstract art pieces, while Tuttle worked with small entities. Bacon shared his depiction of reality; however, Tuttle manipulated objects and left the interpretations open-ended. Tuttle was sober and open-minded when creating his work; unfortunately, Bacon was drunk for the majority of the time. Bacon's art works would include his past, while Tuttle's art work suggests the idea of nothingness. These artists are both extraordinary in their unique way.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic comparison. Personality wise, they could not be any different. Yet, you showed how they both put their thoughts of their work above the audience's.
    I also noticed that Bacon didn't disclose the name of the model for his work most of the time excluding George. Do you think it is because he "grew up"?
    Also, I was surprised that you felt that "Tuttle's art work suggests the idea of nothingness." I felt that some of his work was supposed to portray images of places like New Mexico.
